Rating by 0 Users      View Reviews     Add a Review is the first, largest and most effective interracial dating site on the world. They bring like-minded singles together who are open to new experiences with different cultures and ethnicities, either within your community, or abroad.

Online Since   2001
Number of Members   50,000
Region   Asian Dating  USA Dating  European Dating  UK Dating  WorldWide Dating  
Type   Match Making  Interracial Dating  
Description bills itself as the "No. 1 interracial dating site in the world." As the flagship site of a large network of interracial dating sites, InterracialMatch counts with hundreds of thousands of members. Established in 2001 in Silicon Valley, InterracialMatch specializes in bringing together people who are open and curious about dating people from a different background.

To sign up and begin your search at InterracialMatch is completely FREE. All it takes is a few minutes to answer a few questions, create your profile, and post a photo of yourself. The InterracialMatch questionnaire will highlight your personality traits and interests and lets you describe your personality even further in a brief narrative. Searching for other members is easy at InterracialMatch and allows you to specify the types of member profiles you want to see. You can conduct an unlimited number of searches by selecting the preferences and characteristics of your desired match. Other ways to search at InterracialMatch include searching by zip code, age, and gender, physical characteristics, lifestyle practices, and relationship desires.

Meeting people is often a difficult process for many individuals however Interracial Match makes this process much less so. With large numbers of personal profiles to search through it is easy to find just what you are looking for in a potential match. Once you have found someone that you are interested in communicating further with there are many features which make this easy to do. Some of these features include the following:
• Private E-Mail
• Chat
• Video Chat
• Virtual Dates
• Instant Messaging
These are just some of the services available and some features may be inaccessible based on your specific membership plan.

In short, InterracialMatch makes it easy to find potential matches from other races and ethnicities that share some of the same interests as you. Here you are in control of the people you meet and you don’t have to meet any person you interact with unless you feel that the connection is suitable to advance to the next level.

Positive Features
  • Guest members can reply to email messages–great for trying out the service.
  • Profiles can contain testimonials from friends and family.
  • You may use your photos (or those of other members) to make and send greeting cards.
Negative Features
  • Match quality was not really impressive.
  • Chat Rooms
  • Dating advice
  • Success Stories
  • Picture Voting & Rating
  • Message Boards
  • Live Chat
  • Forums
  • Private E-Mail
  • Blogs
  • Video Chat
  • Virtual Dates
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